A NEW Way To Profit Off The Most Lucrative Trend in Real Estate
A NEW Way To Profit Off The Most Lucrative Trend in Real Estate

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340-acre Parcel In Progress

“VestRight's land training is an excellent program! The weekly lessons and action steps provide the tools and direction you need to be successful in this business. I’m currently working on a 340-acre parcel for development all because of this program!”
— Joe, VestRight Student

Secured a 6-figure Deal

“I found VestRight’s course to be the perfect complement to our existing real estate investing business. We were able to take one old lead that I would’ve passed on and make an intelligent, market-price offer. The seller will net 7 figures and we will make multiple 6 figures."
— Jon, VestRight Student

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“VestRight has gone above our expectations! There is no better way to get into a new industry than to basically be mentored by successful people who have been doing this for years. Their experience is invaluable to us.”

— Vas & Maria, VestRight Students

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About VestRight 

Built to guide you towards a better way to invest in real estate with less risks and more rewards.

With 20 years of experience as a land developer, Cody Bjugan, created VestRight to reveal his unique method of land acquisition and development to aspiring real estate professionals, agents, and entrepreneurs which enables them to create massive 6-7 figure profits on land deals, without the risk, capital or time associated with “traditional” land development. 

Since 2019, VestRight has been mentoring students to a non-traditional method of finding off-market, raw land with development potential, getting it approved to build on and then selling to large homebuilders who are desperate for that land. 

With VestRight’s training, our Land Acquisition Specialists are able to generate 6-7 figure profit per deal, which is often 50-100 times the size of the average “house-flip” and do so without the use of their own capital, without taking unnecessary risk and without ever owning the land themselves. 

We offer courses for all experience levels, which can be determined during your consultation based on the level of time and commitment you dedicate to navigating an untapped industry.  

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Take the Next Step Towards Bigger Opportunities & Higher Rewards 

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Book your free discovery call to get on the fast track to land deals 101.

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Frequently Asked Questions

  How long has Land Acquisition Academy been around?

This is a brand new launch. And we're looking for some founding members. We're looking for some people that will come in and grow in this new program. So take advantage of it.

I'm just excited to have this opportunity to present this. It is a new course. It's in a niche. It's in a space where there is no information out there that I know of. It's it's a blue ocean as far as us putting information and education out there. And it's a blue ocean for you, as far as if you decide to jump into this because it's so unique. It is sort of a “secret”. Because there's very few people that know how to do what we're teaching here.

And so the course is brand new, but we're not. We're not teaching anything we haven't been doing for almost 20 years now. And you know, David, you mentioned a word earlier that’s a very important word to me, and that is “trust”.

If you don't get a good gut feel about David or me, don't buy our course. Just don't buy it. We don't want you to buy it. Here's the reality: you don't see me shooting videos, pulling up in a Lamborghini, or walking off a private jet. We're just legit land developers that truly want to make a difference and take what we put our blood, sweat and tears into and put it out into the marketplace and give other people the opportunity to learn from what we have grown to learn over 20 years. And that has changed our lives forever.

For me, that's a legacy. In the last couple of years, I’ve spent so much time on personal development, and legacy, and impact, and meaning. And that's core to my heart.

Someone asked me the other day, “Cody, what's your biggest regret?”

Well, for one, I don't live my life in regrets. I don't try to look back and have regrets. But if I was to answer that question, the answer would be that I didn't start working on personal development earlier. On self-educating, becoming the best I can be. And that's probably my biggest regret is that I didn't start doing that earlier in my life. Because here's the reality: if you're not growing, you're shrinking. And I realized for several years of my life, I was not growing. I was actually shrinking.

But honestly, again, if you don't get a good first impression, don’t buy our course. We’re not one of these cheeseball marketers that you see everywhere.

Yes. For better, for worse! We're not tech savvy. We're not big marketers. We might not be as polished as some of these guys out there. But we're the real deal. And I think for some of you that resonates and hopefully you appreciate that.

So we'll get ready to sign. I have one last question I'd like to talk about. Someone said, Hey, is this having anything to do with the Land Academy with Jack and Jill? So I don't know these guys very well. I do know that they're out there and I will say that no, nothing to do with the Land Academy. We talked about this a little bit earlier on as well. There are a couple strategies out there and they are really centered around the idea of going after land and buying it. You, you, you literally purchase it, you buy it and you buy it at, at 30 cents on the dollar and then you turn around and sell it for 70 cents on the dollar.

  What overhead is there in operating this business?

What we're teaching you here is a business. As far as operating expenses or monthly overhead, it's at your own pace. We're a full-fledged development business today with staff. But we weren't in the beginning. You could be just starting out and just following our system, our roadmap, using the technology we suggest, and you could really do this as a one-person show. You don't have to have a full-blown staff with expensive software and platforms, subscriptions. This can be run on a shoestring budget. It doesn't have to be this big operation at all. I could easily go out and do this by myself and have no overhead.

It’s a beautiful thing. Look at the average startup cost for most businesses. They get quickly into the tens and twenties and thirties of thousands of dollars. And that's just not what is required for being a Land Acquisition Specialist. You might spend some money on some business cards if you happen to use those. You'll probably need a website. You might do some mailings every once in a while, but other than that, there's no overhead. Cody and I, we run a lean machine over here and it's not something that you have to get an office and staff it up.

Cody and I have a mutual friend who does really well and makes good money, but the guy runs a pretty big business of maybe a hundred or 200 employees. That's a whole nother ball game and for what he makes, I feel like he deserves to make more for what he goes through running a company like that. That's just not something that I would ever want to do. I don't think Cody would have the patience for it either. But that's one of the beautiful things about us is that we're able to run efficiently and keep it small, but still generate some really big returns.

  Can you do this from home?

One of the beautiful things about our strategy is the fact that yes, it can be done from home. In fact, it can be done from home or a hotel room if you're traveling, it can be done from anywhere. We say this a lot and it sounds cliche, but all you need is a telephone and an internet connection. And that is true. People that come out of the fix and the flip world, they're used to needing to target areas in their backyard, in a radius around which they live, because they need to go and look at these homes and kick the tires and figure out how much they need to budget for the rehab and make sure that the foundation is structurally sound. All these things on a rehabbers checklist, they tend to need to stick to their home market.

Real estate agents tend to stick to their home markets as well because they're doing open houses. They're spending their weekends doing showings. They need to familiarize themselves with that market and they need to be available physically.

The last time I physically visited a parcel was a few years ago. It was about maybe an hour from where I live outside of Portland. It was an elderly gentleman who was kind of old school and insisted on meeting me. And insisted on "walking the land" with me. So I finally gave in and did just that. But the fact of the matter is, walking that parcel that day did me no good in terms of actually examining the parcel and determining its development potential.

For land deals, all the data that you need to be able to assess the development potential of a piece of property and to assess its value is all done from your home office.

It's done from your computer. It's done from maps. It's done from conversations you have with jurisdictional planners. It's all done from your office. And that is one of the beautiful things for a lot of people is that they don't have to live in a major metropolitan area that's seeing a ton of growth. Sure, it's great if you do, but you can live out in the middle of Montana in the mountains and as long as you have an internet connection and a phone, you can execute the strategy.

Yes, that’s how we run our business. I’m in my home office in Arizona. David is in his home office in Oregon. Our business has been virtual for years. Everybody works remotely from home. And we're not just land acquisition specialists, we're actually land developers. We develop projects and we are still a virtual remote business.

I would say we're much more advanced and efficient and we use technology to our advantage. We teach in our course how to utilize that technology. I can't sit here and say that everyone does it that way because I know they don't. We laugh at the "driving for dollars" concept. Driving around, looking for land. It's beyond inefficient. I still have a few buddies that do just that, which is just comical to me. I'm not trying to pick on them, but my point is how we do it is more efficient. Yes, you can do it from anywhere. I've been on vacation plenty of times and I'm still working. We're using technology, software and platforms that are available in today's world.

  Regarding the availability of land deals: Why hasn't every available holder of developable land already been contacted and made a market offer, and why haven't developers already made these underlying market offers?

Luckily that is not the case! If every piece of dirt in the US had already been spoken for, and there was no more room to grow that would be bad news for the housing market. Why hasn't this taken place? One reason is when we say that what we do is a niche market and that there are very few people out there doing it. It’s true. I have a handful of buddies that work for national publicly-traded businesses. They have job titles, like Head of Land Acquisition, or Director of Land Acquisition. What happens with these guys is they don't have to go out and look for off-market deals and do the things that we teach in our course. They're so big and recognized that their form of acquisition is that their phone rings and they answer it.

Total respect to them. That's great, but my point is, at the end of the day if anybody was just going to go and gobble up all the land in their market or their state, which would be almost impossible, it would be those big public companies, but that's not their business model. Those guys love what we do! If we take a deal through the simultaneous close process and then bring them in, they love it because we just brought them a deal that they otherwise wouldn't have - because it was an off-market deal. I don't see this ever being an issue in my lifetime or my children's lifetime. There's too much land out there for this to even be possible.

  How do we do these deals when we don't have a network? I don't know anyone in the development world.

People get a little bit too caught up sometimes thinking, “I don't have connections. I don't know anyone. I wouldn't know who to call.”

Our course deals with that. We teach you how to build a network. We teach you how to find your developer buyers. It's actually one of the easiest parts of the process.

Beyond that, at the end of the day, it doesn't matter if you're a no-name or if you're known in the development world that you're working in. If I get a guy that calls me and says, “Hey, I've got a piece of dirt and I think you might be interested.”

If I've never met this guy in my entire life, I don't know his name and I know anything about him, I'm still going look at that deal. And if the deal works, if the math works, if it's structured correctly, guess what? Yeah, I’m taking that deal. And I don't care who this guy is. I don't care that I don't know him or that I've never heard of him. If the deal is inked right, I'm definitely taking it. So don't get too caught up on, “Hey, I don't have any experience so how could I possibly talk to a developer?”

No, you get the experience through the training, which is what our course is all about. You put the deals together. It doesn't matter if you're a no-name. If you put a deal together that works, a developer's going to want to take that deal.

The Land Acquisition Specialist is in control. At the end of the day, that’s what matters. If you’ve got the deal, the developers will come.

But keep in mind that they’ll quickly run the other direction if you don’t have the deal structured correctly.

But you’re in control and you’re the one that’s there to feed these developers. And they want to eat.

That’s right. I often say, “If you’re cooking a meal for someone, you’ve got to know not just what they want to eat, but how they want it cooked. How they want it prepared.”

With home wholesalers, the national average is anywhere from $5k to $7k. And a big concern of theirs is deal flow and finding bonafide buyers. When I talk to a home wholesaler, he says, “Well, how do I find my buyer's list?”

They're all about their buyers' list. A big part of that is because that sector is so inundated with people trying to do the same thing. Everyone's running around, calling themselves investors, and a guy gets a deal inked and he needs someone to buy it from him. He starts going through these leads he's got, and calls them and guess what? He just ends up talking to other wholesalers who don't have the money.

So that's a big concern that weighs on their mind a lot. How do I find my buyers? That's one of the points I mentioned earlier, it's one of the easiest parts of what we do.

It is absolutely the easiest part. Any developer that does any type of volume, you can find them a million different ways.

  How do you approach the seller once you find out who that is?

That's one of the easiest parts of this strategy. It's not rocket science. When we move into a new market, we spend our time identifying properties that we want to go after. Properties that we deem having good potential for the types of projects we're looking for. And then it's just a matter of figuring out who owns that property and calling them. Yes, we do monthly mailings. And I'll be the first to admit that mailings are probably the least effective marketing strategy out there. Half of our mailings probably get thrown in the garbage can.

But honestly, the bulk of our success over the years has just been identifying these pieces of property that we want to go after. Figuring out who owns them and giving them a call. The conversation is usually pretty basic. "Hey, I think your property might have some development potential, and I wanted to touch base and see if you might have any interest in selling" and then taking it from there. But here's the thing: the important thing to understand is that it's not just being able to call up these property owners. You've got to know what you're doing. You've got to know what you're talking about. You've got to know how to structure these deals. You can call property owners all day long and you might get a handful that say, “Yeah, I'm interested in selling.” And you might actually put together an offer, and maybe even put together an agreement, but you bring that agreement to me, the developer, and it's going to take me 30 seconds to look at it and realize, this guy doesn't know what he's doing. And these terms aren't right. I can't work with this with the way he's structured this deal.

That is the key. That is why, when we say a Land Acquisition Specialist, it's not a joke. We're not kidding around. Our course is put together to teach you the process of land development. So you understand it and how to work within it. So you know how to find these deals, how to structure them, how to value them, and how to take them to a developer. That way, when the developer gets it and looks at it, he says, “Yeah, this guy knows what he's doing. I can work with this deal and I want it. I'm going to pay you for it.”

Yes, we call them and it's not a difficult conversation, but you've got to know what you're doing. Otherwise, you're just going to be spinning your wheels.

  How do you value land without comparables?

We have an entire portion of our course that is dedicated to determining value. Obviously, we can't get into it too deeply here because there is a lot of information but we do give you several different techniques we use to determine the value of land and land.

Valuing a home is typically much easier than valuing land because, to get comps on a home, anyone can open up Zillow and find out what recent homes around that same area have sold for, get some comparables and get a good feel for it.

Part of our training is teaching you how to do what we affectionately refer to as “magic math”. Teaching you how to take what a home is selling for and work that math backward all the way down until you get down to what the raw lot is worth. And then it just becomes a question of figuring out how many raw lots the piece of property is going to yield (which is also part of the training) and multiplying that number times the raw lot value.

  Do you deal with commercial development land as well? Or just residential?

We specialize in residential. We touch on this in the course, but you'll find that developers tend to specialize in certain categories and they tend to “stay in their lanes”. They'll branch out every once in a while, but it's for that reason why you won't find a national home builder suddenly building a skyscraper in downtown Manhattan, and you won't find a big commercial developer, who builds those skyscrapers, setting up camp and building out a residential subdivision on the outskirts of a major metropolitan area. They tend to stay in their lane. And part of the reason for that is because when you become so specialized and you know what you're doing, it's easily repeatable.

It’s important to understand that, with what we'll teach you, you're going to become Land Acquisition Specialists in the residential world. Now, some of those concepts you'll be able to apply to other types of development, whether it be commercial or industrial, in terms of having an understanding of how the land use approval process works. There will be some overlap. But it will start to go in a different direction and have some pretty big differences when it comes down to things like valuing the land, how to determine what it's worth, how to determine its highest and best use. When you get into the commercial side of things, it's quite a bit different than the residential.

There is a lot of overlap, but there are differences as well based upon asset class. We specifically chose to do residential. Earlier I mentioned, I grew up in a little podunk town called Damascus, Oregon. I'm kind of a meat and potatoes guy. For me, residential just made a whole lot of sense just for the simple fact that it was one of the things people need. They need shelter. Not everyone has to have space in a strip mall. But everyone needs shelter. So just that basic 101 thought process from a simple guy like me in why we specifically chose residential to specialize in.

  How small of a project will land developers do?

It's human nature to want to talk averages and numbers. What's the average size? What's the average return? Etc.

When you get into land it becomes a little bit difficult to cite some of those averages because every deal is so different.

One developer might specialize in doing five-lot projects. He might not have the capacity to take on bigger deals.

And then another developer will only look at something that's 50 lots or bigger.

So we can't really tell you, “Hey, this deal is too small or this deal is too big.”

I don't think I would ever tell you a deal's too big, but there's really no answer to that. It just depends on the property and where it's located. There are places here in the inner-Portland area that are infill projects and they might be just a 15,000 square foot lot. But guess what? It's highly sought after by developers because it has subdivision potential in an area where people want to live. Those infill smaller parcels can be great projects for people that are looking for that size of a deal.

There's a butt for every seat. But here again, only if the deal works. Only if it's priced and structured correctly. If that’s in place, there’s a butt for every seat - there's a developer for every project, assuming that you're in a market that people want to live in.

  Can you work multiple deals at the same time?

You absolutely can. You're not limited to just doing one deal. You can do as many deals at a time as you want. I'm glad you brought this up because, for some people, 15 months is a long wait for a paycheck. And I would like to underline the fact that what we do and what our strategy is all about is building massive wealth. It's about legacy wealth. It's about your future. This is not about a strategy where you can go out and next month put a deal together. And in 60 or 90 days, you're going to get a check for $5k. This is not that strategy. And if you are in that situation where you're looking for a strategy where you need some quick “home runs”, you need to make some money fast - maybe you're trying to cover your rent - this is not that program. I want to be very upfront about that.

This is really for someone who has identified the land development space as being the pinnacle of the real estate game in terms of the types of money that is generated. That person has identified that but doesn't know where to go. He or she sees it but doesn't know how to get started. And that's what this course is about.

There's no one here that can argue that a ton of money isn't made in the development space. But this program is getting you in the fast lane, into getting involved in this and allowing you to do it without needing to have millions of dollars in your bank account to get started.

Here's the thing, you don't have to wait 15 months. One of my favorite things I love teaching is there's exit points and there's payday points. And so we’ve shown you examples where I made mid six figures on deals that I was in for less than 60 days.

The key though is getting the funnel full. That's where a lot of the work is. Get your funnel full. And then the deals start dripping out. That's the key to success in anything in life is. You don’t have to wait for 15 months for every deal.

Now, if you want to maximize your payday, yeah, you might want to wait 15 months. But if you want to get out quicker, we have strategies as far as exit and payday points. You can get paid a whole lot quicker than that.

  What are the typical terms you use when structuring these deals?

Let’s talk about real estate agents for a second. And to all the realtors out there, I love you, and we love working with you. But here’s the thing: 99% of agents simply don’t know how development land deals get done. They don’t know how to price them. They don’t know how to structure them. And so they’ll try to use their standard forms and contracts. And I’ll tell you right now: those fill-in-blank template Purchase Agreements are not structured for land deals. The residential development industry beats to its own drum and these deals don't work at all with those standard contracts.

And it’s not the fault of the agent. The reality is there's just no education out there in this space. And that’s what’s so fun about what we’re doing here.

So yes, there are all kinds of contingencies that we put in our contracts.

In this program we've put together for you we talk about all the key points you need to have in your contract on these deals. We lay it out for you. All the things you need to make sure that you have in your contract. That right there is worth more than what we’re charging for this course. And that's just a blip on the radar of what's all in the course.

But comes from some wisdom. And I still have to educate guys on this today that are in my space:

If I'm going to pay for a diamond, I have got to make sure it's a diamond. And so in this case, if I'm going to pay you that type of money for the land, I got to make sure it's developable.

And I don't know if I can develop it until it gets approved by the jurisdiction. So if you, the property owner, want development value for the land, anybody in our space that is educated, they're not going to close at that price on that land until that project is approved for subdivision.

If you want me to close on your land quickly, you want me to close right away, so for example, a 30 or 60-day close, I'll do it. But I'm going to pay as-is value. I'm going to pay what it’s worth as-is today, as farmland or whatever.

It might be that I pay 10, 20, 30 grand an acre for a piece that, once it's developable, and I get it approved, there is a huge upside for me, as long as I'm getting it at farmland value.

So yes, we’ll have development contingencies like Preliminary Plat Approval, Construction Drawing Approval, etc, all of which we teach you in our course. And those are contingencies in our contract because we won't pay the type of money we offer on these development deals, unless those approvals are in place.

 What is the best way to find developers and builders?

What’s surprising for a lot of people is that this is one of the easiest parts of what we do. In any given market, in any given jurisdiction, there is going to be a certain number of developers. They're pretty easy to find. They're not hiding. It's much different than, for example, the home wholesaling sector, where you’re looking for cash investors that can buy something that you've tied up. It's very different in our sector, and it's much easier. You can know all the developers in the world, you can have a great network of them, you can have all the comps, you can know exactly what property can sell for, but if you don't know what you're doing, you can't put a deal together and you won't be able to make the big returns. And that's what this all comes down to. You need to know how it all comes together.

Wholesaling houses has just been everywhere. I mean, everybody and their mom wants to teach how to wholesale houses. It's almost comical at this point.

But the thing is, when you go and you beat up a little miss Mary Jo and tie up her house for below market value so you can flip it to a real estate investor and make a wholesale fee, it's much different then when you're putting a deal together for a developer, as far as finding them. Because Joe Blow investor, he’s sometimes harder to find. They're not as visible as developers and legitimate development companies. Development companies are legit businesses that are working to be visible and findable. In any jurisdiction, there's numerous and easy ways to find them.

Now, don’t get me wrong, if you're trying to do a piece out in the middle of nowhere, where no one wants to live then yeah, you might have a little bit of a challenge finding a developer because they want nothing to do with the area that you put the deal together in.

But that’s not an issue, right? We're all smart enough to know if an area is growing and people are wanting to live there. We've always focused mainly on the suburbs where we’re seeing residential growth.

 How can we find these pieces of land on our own? How come these big developers aren't able to find these pieces of land and don't they have a whole team looking for this land?

There are developers out there, especially the big nationals, waiting for their phone to ring. The guys like Cody and me are out there who know what we're doing, know how to put these deals together, know how to structure them correctly for a development company. When their caller ID goes off and they see us calling, they're quick to answer the phone because they know that we've got a deal that they're going to want to look at.

What we do is a niche for the small guy. The big guys have a very large network because they've been doing it so long. I can count on one hand, the guys that I know that go out and search out the off-market deals. Talk to developers or other home builders that also develop, very few are going to say that they do anything but on-market deals - meaning properties that went up for sale and are listed for sale to the public. That's what 99% do. This is what’s so exciting about what we teach! There's a big black hole out there in the informational space. There's no information out there because hardly anybody, no exaggeration, knows how to go out and hunt these deals down. Those that potentially would know how to do it, they are the “big boys” and they don't need to do it because they just wait for their phone to ring.

 Do I have to hire surveyors, architects and other people before I pitch the project to a developer?

No. If you're going to go bring a developer into the deal, you don't need to bring on any independent third-party consultants before bringing the developer, assuming that you're looking to exit sooner rather than later in the development timeline.
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12042 SE Sunnyside Rd, #706, Clackamas, OR 97015
DISCLAIMER: The Figures Stated On This Page Are Our Personal Figures And In Some Cases The Sales Figures Of Previous Or Existing Clients. Please Understand These Results Are Not Typical. We're Not Implying You'll Duplicate Them (Or Do Anything For That Matter). The Average Person Who Buys "How To" Information Gets Little To No Results. We're Using These References For Example Purposes Only. Your Results Will Vary And Depend On Many Factors Including But Not Limited To Your Background, Experience, And Work Ethic. All Business Entails Risk As Well As Massive And Consistent Effort And Action. If You're Not Willing To Accept That, Please Do Not Purchase This Course.